Working With Your Legal Aid Lawyer
If you have been assigned a Legal Aid lawyer, there are certain things you must do to help make sure you get the best possible results.
- Make sure your lawyer has your up-to-date contact information (address, email and telephone number).
- Always be prepared for meetings with your lawyer. Bring all information about your case, including court dates and times, court orders, and information given to you by the Crown or opposing party.
- Your lawyer acts in your best interest and will give you the best advice possible. If you decide not to follow this advice, you must give reasonable instructions to your lawyer. If your lawyer thinks your instructions are unreasonable, they may refuse to act for you.
- Do not sign any papers or make agreements without checking with your lawyer first.
- Do not contact the lawyer for the other side.
- If you can’t keep a meeting with your lawyer, please phone the Legal Assistant beforehand and make a new one.
- You must be in court whenever advised by your lawyer.
- If you miss court dates or don’t give reasonable instructions to your lawyer, they may not be able to continue to act for you.
- If you have questions about your case, contact your lawyer and make an appointment.