Tammy Wohler – CBC News: Dartmouth family must leave rental unit after Supreme Court overturns previous decision

“I do think there is room for the legislation to change,” [Tammy] Wohler said. “That we can take into account things like a housing crisis.” There continues to be a need to strengthen the protections for tenants under the Residential Tenancies Act.

See article and interview at CBC News Article – January 10, 2025

We believe decision-makers can, and should, take judicial notice of the housing crisis. It is widely known and accepted that there is a housing crisis in Halifax and in communities across the province. Credible sources have repeatedly recognized this.

Last week StatsCan released data showing 66% of Nova Scotians experienced a housing challenge related to affordability, suitability, condition or discrimination last year. The Affordable Housing Association of Nova Scotia says that last month more than 1,200 people were unhoused in HRM.

2023-2024 Annual Report

The Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission’s 2023-24 Annual Report is now available and can be found on the About Us, Legal Aid Publications page, or at this link:  NSLAC 2023-24 Annual Report


Increased Legal Aid Funding & Tariff for Private Lawyers

Below please find a press release issued by the Province today and it can also be found here, https://news.novascotia.ca/en/2024/05/16/more-funding-legal-aid-services, regarding increased funding for Legal Aid. Below you will also find a copy of NSLA’s press release. This investment will enable Nova Scotia Legal Aid to continue to provide high-quality, caring and dedicated legal services to clients.

Further updates will be communicated to Certificate Lawyers and other stakeholders as Nova Scotia Legal Aid makes the necessary adjustments to its Certificate System and Tariff.

More Funding for Legal Aid Services – Government of Nova Scotia News Release (May 16, 2024)

NS Legal Aid Commission Tariff News Release (May 16, 2024)

Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission Awards

The Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission is seeking nominations for the 2024 Innovation in Service Delivery, Community Leadership, and R. Gordon Murray, QC Awards. Criteria and information regarding the Awards can be found below.

Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission Awards Criteria (March 2024)

Please be sure to nominate that individual or organization that you feel is deserving of recognition. Please note the deadline for nominations is April 30, 2024 @ 4:30 pm and nominations should be sent to:  NSLAawards@nslegalaid.ca

Enhanced Financial Eligibility Program

Nova Scotia Legal Aid is excited to announce our Enhanced Financial Eligibility Program, currently being piloted exclusively for the Cape Breton Regional Municipality and Victoria County area. Further details regarding the pilot can be found below.



Heating Assistance Rebate Program & Seniors Care Grant

The Heating Assistance Rebate Program helps low-and moderate-income Nova Scotians with the cost of home heating. Rebates are $600 for each household and details can be found here:  Heating Assistance Rebate Program

There is also a  $750 Seniors Care Grant available for assistance with household services like lawn care, snow removal, etc. and details can be found here:  Seniors Care Grant

You can apply to these programs until March 31, 2024.

More Seniors Now Eligible for Rent Supplements

Changes to the Province’s rent supplement program will expand eligibility for low-income seniors and put more money in the pockets of seniors who receive the supplement.

“We know many people are struggling to find an affordable place to live and a rent supplement can help with the cost of rent – especially for low-income seniors,” said John Lohr, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “I made a commitment to Nova Scotians to do whatever I can to ensure as many people as possible have access to safe and affordable housing, faster. We are looking at our programs and practices and making changes that will make a difference to Nova Scotians in need.”

Effective today, October 10, Nova Scotia, with the support of the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), is changing the criteria used to determine seniors’ eligibility for the supplement and the formula for the amount they can receive.

The criteria and formula had both used 95 per cent of the average market rent in the senior’s area rather than the full amount. Now, 100 per cent of the average market rent is used, which means more seniors will qualify and the supplement increases.

With the eligibility change, more than 100 low-income seniors could qualify for a supplement. Seniors who have previously applied to the program but did not qualify must reapply.

Details regarding this program can be found at:  Rent Supplement Program

2022-2023 Annual Report

The Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission’s 2022-23 Annual Report is now available and can be found on the About Us, Legal Aid Publications page, or at this link:   2022-2023 Annual Report

National Duty Counsel Day – October 27, 2023 – Teacher Registration

Below please find information regarding the above-noted which you may wish to share within your community. Further information regarding Duty Counsel Day can be found at: National Duty Counsel Day.


Hey teachers!
If you like justice, we have a day for you. October 27 is Duty Counsel Day. Deliver informative, curriculum-based lessons based on the role of legal aid duty counsel in the Canadian justice system. Our free lesson library is full of ideas you can download and use for your classroom or virtual classroom. Register now for your free teaching kit.

Duty Counsel Day in the Classroom (knowdutycounsel.ca)

National Indigenous Peoples Day – June 21, 2023

Today is National Indigenous Peoples Day. It is an opportunity for us to recognize and celebrate First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Peoples of Canada. June 21st was chosen as National Indigenous Peoples Day to take place on the summer solstice. It is an opportunity for us to show respect and to learn about the rich cultural history of the many Indigenous peoples and communities across Turtle Island.

We hope you will have some time over the coming days to take part in events around the province and to explore the many resources available. To that end, we are sharing some resources and event information:

We hope everyone has the opportunity to take in the North American Indigenous Games in July. They will be exciting to watch, and we are looking forward to the Canoe Kayak events on Lake Banook.

Happy National Indigenous Peoples Day!