2022 NSLA Commission Innovation in Service Delivery Award

We are pleased to share that the recipient of the NSLA Commission’s 2022 Innovation in Service Delivery Award is Tammy Wohler. Tammy Wohler is the Managing Lawyer of the Halifax Social Justice Office. The award recognizes innovation in how things are done at NSLA. Tammy was recognized for her tremendous advocacy in housing issues; particularly during the pandemic raising the profile on issues like renovictions through the use of media and social media. Tammy hosts the Social Justice online chats every Thursday. She provides outreach through Eastern Chebucto Hub Organization (ECHO), reachAbility, Halifax Refugee Clinic, Canadian Bar Assocation and the Parent Information Program through the Supreme Court Family Division. Tammy has been an instrumental role in expanding social justice delivery throughout Nova Scotia to assist clients from Yarmouth to Sydney. As her colleague, Tanya Jones says of her, “Tammy has and will continue to innovate, help and effectively advocate for those most in need while at the same time making time to share her knowledge with other lawyers.” Congratulations Tammy!