If you are human, leave this field blank.1. Where did you receive Summary Advice Counsel Services? *HalifaxSydney2. How did you hear about the Summary Advice Counsel Service? Legal AidLegal Information SocietyAccès Justice AccessBarrister’s SocietyPrivate LawyerFamily Court StaffJudge Internet, Website/Social MediaUsed this service beforeOther3. What type of assistance did you receive today?Legal AdviceDocument reviewOther:4. What area of family law?Parenting Visitation Child SupportSpousal SupportSeparationDivorce Property IssuePensions4a. Other:5. Are you currently involved with a Court matter? YesNoWhat is your current involvement?Filing a new applicationResponding to a new applicationChanging an existing Order/Agreement Group Information SessionParent Information SessionConciliationSettlement ConferenceConference Trial/ Hearing Other:6. Was the assistance that you received today helpful in dealing with your legal situation? YesNoSomewhatHow could we improve this service?7. How do you Identify?MaleFemaleOther:Approximate household income:Below $10,000 $10,001 to $40,000$40,001 to $80,000Above $80,000Your Age:8. Please provide any additional comments below:Submit