Nova Scotia Legal Aid’s Support of 150 for 150 Feed NS Community Challenge

We are pleased to Report that NS Legal Aid’s 150 for 150 Food Drive in Support of Feed Nova Scotia was a success.

We had 12 offices actively participate. Activities included food drives to local Feed NS supported food banks and ticket raffles. Almost $1,500 in cash was collected in addition to dozens of boxes of food. Special mention must go out to our Cape Breton Office who raised $615 plus food.

Below are some photos of ticket raffle items and activities. In Bridgewater, the office implemented a “curse jar”. Dartmouth had a “name that lawyer game” where staff paid $5 to see what animal represented them in a picture painted by Colin Coady, Staff Lawyer.

There were definitely some creative ways to raise donations for a very worthy cause!

Thank you Kelly Rowlett for taking the lead on this great initiative and thank you NSLA staff for your support.